Are you ready to switch your career to Real Estate?

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The most important skill to be successful in Real Estate: People Skill 86%, Self Motivation 84%, Negotiation Skills 73%, Problem Solving Skills 73%
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What about being a real estate agent is so attractive? Flexible Hours 67%, Interest in Real Estate 64%, Working with People 54%, Entrepreneurial Field 50%
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Real Estate career is often the second or third career, 1st Career 18%, 2nd Career 48%, 3rd Career 34%
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Formal education of Realtors: Some college 28%, Bachelor's degree 32%, Graduate degree and above 13%, associate degree 13%, some graduate school 6%, high school 7%
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Where buyers find the homes they purchase/rented: internet 52%, real estate agent 29%, yard sign 6%, friend or relative 5%, home builder 6%, directly from seller 2%, newspaper 1%
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MerrickDamon: Make sure to keep 3 - 6 months of cash reserves for emergencies in case work the mark slows down
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Coaches offer a lot of advantages. More and more agents are seeking out independent coaches to fill in the gaps left by the constraints most companies and offices face (time, expertise, and money). Most important for new agents is to find a coach who can hold new agents accountable to their business start-up plan. Over 50% of new agents don’t make it through their first year. Be part of the half that does!
Congratulations!, Real Estate is the Career For You! Enter your information below to get your FREE Career Switch Kit and 15 minute Coaching Call!

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